miercuri, 3 ianuarie 2007

Kill me softley... with your song

"Daca te-ai vedea ce fel canti! Dai tot din tine..."

Oare de ce nu m-a inzestrat Dumnezeu cu o voce frumoasa?Mi-as fi dorit sa cant... Chiar as fi vrut din inima sa cant...
Obisnuiesc sa fredonez piese ce-mi plac mult, uneori ma cam ia valul si simt piesa si versurile cu toata fiinta mea.

Eh.. dar asta e. Ma multumesc sa cant in fata unui "public" mai restrans, de cele mai multe ori cant doar pentru eL... Stiu ca eL ma aculta mereu...
"Leave me out with the waste, this is not what I do, is the wrong kind of place to be thinking of yoU..."

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

in loc de introducere: "...it's the wrong time for somebody new, it's a small crime and i've got no excuse..."

in loc de cuprins: ...Leave me out with the waste this is not what i do, it's the wrong kind of place to be cheating on you, it's the wrong time but she's pulling me through, it's a small crime and I've got no excuse.......

in loc de incheiere: canta-mi povestea :*

Blue Butterfly spunea...

Is that alright wit u?..
Am inteles ideea :D